CONTACT NOS.(CEL)09279871797
To him music is a language of his soul and this kind of fulfillment inspired
him to put up band music studio, the Rhythm & Beat in 1994. He started with the
small group of kids and teenagers who learn to play guitar, drums and
keyboard. It did not stop there, Mel continues to train children and much
more so on four children Mel Dominic, Mel Anthony, Mel Dave &
Marianne Ethel. Mel Dominic plays the keyboard, guitar, flute, saxophone
in school and church activities and other social occasions , Marianne Ethel
plays acoustic guitar & bass guitar, Mel Anthony plays violin, guitar, drums, saxophone and sing solo renditions and Mel Dave makes it with drums and beat box, he also plays saxophone. To watch and listen to their children shall we say uplifts the spirit and gives comfort to our tired minds. This has inspired and promted Mel to put up Summer Musikahan so that he could continue to serve the children and young people who are musically inclined.